Embrace Beauty, Celebrate Passion, Appreciate Life

"Torn between reality and fantasy, hopelessly in love with love, a passionate romantic, and a faithful dreamer, so emotionally intense"

Friday, May 21, 2010

Food For Thought (I)

Do not entertain bad thoughts of yourself or others. 
Committing sins darkens our hearts, let's keep our sins to a minimum. 
Attempt to not think the worse of people, or yourself, and refrain from judging anyone. 
We are not in the position to think and feel we are mighty great, for only God holds power. Being humble is a priceless virtue to hang on to for dear life.
Live life with a brain thirsty for knowledge, and a heart hungry for purity and sincerity.


  1. It's nice to be reminded by the right path in life, for we all go astray too often :)



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