Embrace Beauty, Celebrate Passion, Appreciate Life

"Torn between reality and fantasy, hopelessly in love with love, a passionate romantic, and a faithful dreamer, so emotionally intense"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Love

 "My dearest, Everyday, every hour, I wait as anxiously as you wait. If there is no news by tomorrow, we shall forget about it. It is not meant to be. Okay sweetheart? This is life's tests, and we have to learn to deal and cope. It's not the end of the world, right darling?

I wish we have a crystal ball, where we can see the future, but we know that is wishful thinking. We cannot mope about the past neither can we wish upon the future. All we have is NOW, the present, and we can be grateful for what we DO HAVE. I love you very much and pray that God gives what is good for you. He knows best, not us." - From your ever loving Mother


  1. Cute!!

    Btw your blog is great! I just became your 1st follower!!

    Mine is www.nycislandgal.com
    Hope you like it and share the love by following me too!! ;)

  2. Thanks sweetie pies :)

    Will be sure to follow the both of you!

    Let's always be loving of our parents and appreciate their wise words, for we lack so much knowledge and experience when compared.



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