Embrace Beauty, Celebrate Passion, Appreciate Life

"Torn between reality and fantasy, hopelessly in love with love, a passionate romantic, and a faithful dreamer, so emotionally intense"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Refreshing Wrong Past With Right Present

There is light at the end, glimmering hope and possibility. There are still chances. You may have never seen it, but you can open your eyes now, to find it, glaring at you.

All it takes is an open mind and a willing heart. Exhale the repressed thoughts and feelings. Let it go, it's over. Turn the glass around, and see it now as half-full, and begin appreciating. You know you can.

optimism-784009Things are dark when you're blinded by depression, negativity, and pessimism. Life gives you opportunities to start afresh, take them, and think well. Celebrate happy times, and you'll begin seeing colours, and feeling refreshed - even for a moment. Don't magnify the pain and bad, put that in the past where it belongs, and move on, to the positive and cheerful.

Haven't you had enough feeling heavy, angry, scared, and confused? Despair and enthusiasm cannot exist in the same body, you have to give up one, and enthusiasm is the choice to pick. Allow happiness into your system, and positive thinking will soon become a part of you. Be willing to change for the better, and expose yourself to the right company.

Choose hope, choose life, choose healthy, choose happy. Don't look back anymore, the frame is too narrow, the tunnel is wider ahead, leave behind what is meant to stay there. Learn from your past, don't make the same mistake twice, live better for tomorrow. It was all lessons and experiences to make you the strong person you are today, and hopefully the wise. 

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