Embrace Beauty, Celebrate Passion, Appreciate Life

"Torn between reality and fantasy, hopelessly in love with love, a passionate romantic, and a faithful dreamer, so emotionally intense"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

From The Inside Out

Not everything that happens to you is your doing or your fault. 

But the ultimate quality of your life and your happiness is determined by your brave
and ethical choices, and your overall attitude.

Everyone has it within his power to say...

This I am today, but I will change to that tomorrow. 

If you choose not to learn dancing, do not put the blame on the floor. 

Happiness is not from our external.

It depends on our inner conditions.


 You may travel the world to find beautiful things to give you happiness, but you will not find it if you do not carry happiness within you.

Happiness is a state of mind and not based on location.

Food For Thought (II)

Someone who is most unhappy with you can be the greatest source of learning your weakness.

Pay attention to your enemies for they are the first to discover your mistakes.

Most people would rather be ruined by praises then saved by criticisms.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


 Your wounds can be turned into your wisdom.

Your stumbling blocks can become your stepping stones, if you choose. 

Do not miss the great opportunity that such hardship presents. 

Your life can become even better by the very things that break your heart.

A Way of Life

Religion teaches us to do right. 

It teaches us to love, it teaches us to serve others, it asks us to think, and it requires us to be humble. 

Cling tightly to your religion.

Work your Words

What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it...

Do not just stand there.

Don't just talk, do it...

Walk your talk...

One small step at a time.

Only you can decide whether to move or to stand still.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Now or Never

 We must realize the need to take action. 

We cannot wait for moods, we accomplish nothing if we do that.

Our mind must know that it has to get down to work. 

Don't just stand on the fringes and do nothing. 

If your ship doesn't come to shore, swim to it. 

God gives every bird its worm, but He does not throw the worm into the nest.

Courage The Coward

The biggest opponent to courage is fear. 

Fear of the unknown, 
Fear of failure, 
Fear of success,
Fear of others. 

Successful people acknowledge fears but work to conquer them. 

Courage is about the management of fear, not the absence of fear. 

Do not let the sensation of fear convince you that you are too weak to have courage.

All man are frightened, the more intelligent they are, the more frightened they are. 

The courageous man is he who forces himself, inspite of his fear to carry on.

I am a Survivor

Life is a constant battle for survival.
As we grow older, the rules change on a daily basis.

Our mission is not to escape but to survive;
not to deal with triumph, but to deal with failure;
not to run away from fear but to master it. 

It takes courage to keep on fighting. 
So if you feel like the rules have shifted one step higher, 
deal it with greater faith and never ever surrender.

Fight life till the end, because life is a journey to complete,
and a battle we must finish.
Wear your scars with pride, but don't fight with your fists.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Know Your Priorities

Decide what your priorities are and how much time you want to spend on each priority.
If you don't decide for yourself, then someone else will decide for you. 

What you do today is important because it paves the way towards your future.
Your future is purchased by your present. 

Keeping life simple and meaningful requires letting go of old baggage
and things that have no lasting value at all.

Philosophy on Paper

Every human needs to carve out the time to articulate a philosophy or a specific guideline for himself.

Every person must define how he wants to live his life.

We should have this stated on a piece of paper that we can revisit regularly to remind us of our philosophy in life. 

Such a statement will serve as a moral compass to direct the choices of our day, and it serves as an anchor to lock us into our best moves.

Without such a statement of philosophy, we live our lives by accident, reacting to whatever shows up without the proper guidance.

The Sad and The Glad

We all have our days. 

There are up days and down days. 
There are dark days and there are bright ones. 
There are happy days and there are sad ones.
Everything changes from time to time. 

Think and ponder of the days you have gone through.
Say thanks for the good ones and be patient during the bad ones
until the good ones come again.

They do come you know?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sex and The City 2

YES, It's coming It's coming It's coming!!
E X C I T E D !!! :) :) :)

Had a blast with Sex and the City 1, loved the plot, adored the fashion, and all hail the sisterhood and friendship values! Been waiting for this sequel for months now, and am so delighted that it's just round the corner! Looking forward to the drama, juice, sexy style, 10 star vacation, and laughter!

FYI, did you know that SATC's stylist, "Patricia Field doesn't pay attention to fashion trends when styling the 'Sex and the City' characters."? - according to a source from Xinmsn Lifestyle. Patricia opts for more timeless pieces when she dresses and styles the fabulous characters of this romantic comedy.

For this sequel, we'll be watching Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Charlotte York, and Miranda Hobbes adorned by Middle Eastern inspiration - beauty simply exotic, and fashion utterly stunning. Nevertheless, as reported, the girls are wearing a wardrobe as expensive as $10 MILLION!! OMG!

Secret to Happiness

The secret of happiness is simple.

Find out what you truly love to do and then direct all your energy towards doing it. 
Lasting happiness and contentment comes from steadily working to accomplish your
goals, and staying on track in the direction of your life's purpose. 

This is the way to keep kindling the inner fire that lurks within you, and living the dream you desired.

With my fondest thoughts :)

Have a Cup of Tea

 We are like tea bags, whose strength reveals when placed in hot water.

So, when problems beset you, just think... you must be God's favourite cup of tea!

He loves to test the ones He loves, for it draws them closer to Him :)

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Humour is a sweet condiment in our existence.
Laugh at your own mistakes but learn from them. 
Joke over your troubles but gather strength from them.
Make fun of your difficulties but overcome them. 

Life may be tough and difficult, but the values we gain from trials make it all worth the journey.

Laugh Alive :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Food For Thought (I)

Do not entertain bad thoughts of yourself or others. 
Committing sins darkens our hearts, let's keep our sins to a minimum. 
Attempt to not think the worse of people, or yourself, and refrain from judging anyone. 
We are not in the position to think and feel we are mighty great, for only God holds power. Being humble is a priceless virtue to hang on to for dear life.
Live life with a brain thirsty for knowledge, and a heart hungry for purity and sincerity.

First You, Then Them

"Never make someone your priority while you remain their option." 

I have been guilty of the above for many years, until the recent, last straw. 
Enough has arrived, and from now, my needs will come first.
Prioritize the ones you love and trust, but protect yourself from those who place you second.
Your heart is diamond, don't voluntarily offer it pain.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Love

 "My dearest, Everyday, every hour, I wait as anxiously as you wait. If there is no news by tomorrow, we shall forget about it. It is not meant to be. Okay sweetheart? This is life's tests, and we have to learn to deal and cope. It's not the end of the world, right darling?

I wish we have a crystal ball, where we can see the future, but we know that is wishful thinking. We cannot mope about the past neither can we wish upon the future. All we have is NOW, the present, and we can be grateful for what we DO HAVE. I love you very much and pray that God gives what is good for you. He knows best, not us." - From your ever loving Mother

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Only Life

" It's only life. We all get through it. Not all of us complete the journey in the same condition. " - Dean Koontz


Patience is a medicine which is bitter but whose fruits are sweet. 

The first Patience to learn is patience with others. This is difficult and if it is gained, it is a victory. It has in it the seeds of forgiveness for others, and the noble quality of compassion for the weakness of human beings. 

The second Patience is with oneself. If one is harsh with thyself, we will wither. The self does not like to be treated harshly let alone changed. So we have to be patient with ourselves tool.

The third Patience is with the decree of God, and events. If God has planned, and you have planned, know that God's plan will carry forth beyond your wish. You must be patient in accepting the predetermined.

Be patient with Patience.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nuggets For The Dolls

"One day, you'll meet someone who will make you realize why it didn't work out with anyone else."

"Physical Attraction is important, but Personality is King."

"One day, your prince will come. He just took the wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions."

"Be proud of your curves (stretch marks and all), and if a guy ever does make you feel bad about such an inconsequential thing, he is definitely not worth your time."

"Some say: for how long you loved that person, is the time you'll take to forget that person."

"Choose a partner that will satisfy your long term, not your short term."

Love Should Not Hurt

 While you SCREAM at your woman, there's a man wishing he could talk softly to her ear. While you HUMILIATE, OFFEND
and INSULT her, there's a man flirting with her and reminding her how
wonderful she is. While you HURT your woman, there's a man wishing he
could make love to her. While you make your women CRY there's a man
stealing smiles from her. 

Support Anti-Domestic Violence. 

Vote against undeserving pain.

 Find the exit door ladies, if you're in an unhealthy relationship, and know/feel so. Lingering for long will not improve his state. It is better to lose a lover than to love a loser. Don't accept abuse. Love yourself, and let go- you deserve much more.  

Love should not hurt.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Guide To Healthy Living


Always think about Living Your Best; Never settle for Living Anything Less.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elevent Hints of Life

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that someone know how you feel. 

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means
a lot to you, only to find out that in the end it was never
meant to be, and you just have to let it go. 

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch
with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it
was the best conversation you've ever had. 

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we
lose it , but it's also true that we don't know what we've
been missing until it arrives. 

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour
to like someone, and a day to love someone- but it takes a
lifetime to forget someone. 

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for
wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes
you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day

7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to
go, be who you want to be. Because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things you want to do. 

8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that
it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person too. 

9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may
wreck a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving
word may heal and bless.

10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the
best of everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way.

11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends
with a tear. When you were born, you were crying
and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life
so that when you die, you're the one smiling and
everyone around you is crying.

Monday, May 3, 2010

We Include, They Exclude


Some men fail to lovingly intertwine their special partners into their happening lives, as women do with our men.

Ironically; for many women, it comes automatically, and with joy, to interlace men into our plans and activities. Though it can irritate, we enjoy the cozy sense of  a 'completed' event with a man by our side.

We do a brilliant job in seeking approval before we step out,  and ever so adorably inquire their opinion on this or that - just to kindly offer them a meaningful role .

But the problem is, this effort meets only halfway.

Men want their independence and freedom. When they feel they've had 'enough', he'll whine his way into sports or the company of male buddies. Most men do not share the same idea of wanting to share his personal life with her.

They will make the decision first, and then casually, lay it on her. Whether he opens the floor to negotiation is subjective to the type of man he is. Men feel strongest about their ego, and no woman can rule him, not even his mother.

The man has the upper hand.
The woman just needs to learn to work around it.

Luscious Locks


Kim Kardashian has gorgeous, shiny, healthy looking hair.

Some of us are lucky to be blessed with hair that doesn't require too much heat and chemicals, to get it to the level of a tame mane.

Exposure to unfriendly forces of nature can become elements of destruction to the hair. Humidity in this side of the world does extreme damage to dry, naturally curly, and frizzy hair. Check the mirror, and you'll find a wild beast catastrophe.

There's a lot of weekly mask therapy and daily blow-drying that you have to work hard at, if you want the glossy, soft, bouncy hair, fashioned either bone straight or beautifully waved out. Having a 365 yearly round bad hair state every day, can be very depressing, and jabbing at confidence.

I know you've looked into every tool and technology to improve the texture of your hair, with many risks of fire contact - from under the steam, the iron, and the oven, and pampered her with only the best products in the market, and prepped her at the salon every chance you get.

Don't go for a hair transplant, just yet. Try to give your hair some true love and care, and it might just obey. Those challenged with curly roots, have probably electrocuted themselves to get things straightened out. Keep trying and keep styling, your hair will eventually make peace with you, even if the fashion police finds you in some sort of trouble. 

Lots of energy, patience, and time, go into creating a masterpiece.

My Best Friend

 Do you have a best friend forever?

Yes or No, the answer is you should -if you don't already have one. 

Whether it be someone you're in love with, or who you grew up with, or who you just met last night on the bus home. 

You could have one or two, or a spread of them. We all needs friends that we can love and trust, care for and respect, talk to and share with, to have and hold for support and comfort, any time. 

For good and bad, fun and sad, serious and mad. 
Have guys and girls to hang out with, to chill and complain with, sharing ideas and experiences, that will become reflections for the future, and memories to treasure. 

Get a friend everybody, don't live alone. Cheers to friendship :)

Walking To Heal, Writing To Deal

We all need some down time.

And what greater way to spend our free time productively, by going for a walk?

A habit we should all make; walking is an effective exercise for the mind and body. An opportunity to reflect, to meditate, to discover meaning, and savour simply being alive, as the breeze invigorates you, and your heart pumps for the better.
An enriching experience; soaking in the atmosphere, observing sights and understanding the motion of the world- make that walk a mindless saunder, and it won't be tough.

Walk regularly, through any park, down any street, and soon it will feel effortless. Grab a friend to join the hike, and you'll forget the distance, because talking whilst walking is such a girl's thing! ;)

What do you feel about writing?

Boring? Fun? Complicated? Time-consuming? Love it?

Writing is an act we can use to our advantage. We can speak through our words, we can explain and express feelings that come out stronger and clearer written than said, we can help, educate and inspire through the words we write, we can bond and love through unspoken words, and even earn a living out of writing.

Writing can be amazingly therapeutic, and be that coping strategy you were looking for. From feelings you have never felt before, and a clearer perspective on life you never saw, writing will bring you that and much more :) 

The Journey of Life


Life is all about phases and stages, and a cycling wheel that turns around and around. And within, involve  lessons and discoveries worth the value of a lifetime, tucked in our memory bank, and personal development track. 

Each phase and stage, represents something different occurring in our life. Either a certain interest, a particular leisure pursuit, a period of study, a temporary internship, once in a lifetime experience, a special relationship, or a specific obsession. 

A trend happens. We are ever-changing, either onto a new routine, or a different interest. At one point we'd be so enthusiastic about a TV show, pledging to be an undying fan, and the next, the craze will fade out as we slide into the latest mania. The cycle starts again, rinse and repeat. 

Let's call these episodes our journey in life. Happy gurus say: true joy is not in the destination, but the journey. As we move along, we collect experiences, try through tribulations, and eventually become wiser and stronger. 

It is what we go through, and have been through, that will determine who we are, and what we are. The ride might turn out smooth and easy, or tough and hard. Expect turbulence, but face them with courage

Journeys will have new chapters, additional pages, and advanced roles and responsibilities. Endure the curve balls that will come in the way; it is a way of preparing, and moulding, to take on the next challenge. You will improve after each trial, and be confident to deal with the after.

No More Tears

Woman, don't trap yourself in the wrath of men. Yes, the hearts of some are made of steel.

Woman, don't be the victim of abuse; emotionally, mentally, or physically. Woman, don't fall for his apology- his guilt trip is only for show.

Men can be ruthless and heartless, so don't waste your precious tears if he don't know how to appreciate. Be strong, not weak.

Sacrifice and compromise in the name of love, but don't settle on being his punching bag, or doormat. Woman, don't get stepped on, nor accept being dumped misery upon.  
Get out now, if you're being mistreated, because girl, if you ain't valuing yourself, I know he won't. Men are ruled by their ego. Your tears are pearls, little treasures to you, so ensure they mean the same to him too!

Mr and Mrs Smith

mrandmrssmithposter Don't panic if you're in a relationship where the two are completely different, and by no means a match. 

Yes, it is possible to be strongly opposing in views and attitudes, but yet be truly, madly, and deeply in love, and in hate.

The characters in this action packed, drama intense movie, demonstrate a love and hate partnership, where challenges are against each other, winning every argument is the aim of the day, and fighting in every way is a must to prevent either ego from prevailing.

Don't call the differences a quit yet, no matter how mind-boggling. There is another light to see. Your relationship can in fact be a source of learning, and strength building, peppered with humour and fun.

It's like eating chili.
The hotter and spicier, the more you want. The fiery and zesty thrill is a test of tolerance, and a dare to how far you 'd go.

Competing; both contenders just as good, both wanting to win - do they end it with a truce or call for another round. The power behind the glass throwing, house destroying, gun shooting, and final surrender to love and romance, is such a tale of love and hate. 

Don't feel bad. You're guaranteed no boredom, but lots of drama and comedy, wisdom and excitement, madness and care, but ultimately love. In for an exhilarating ride, it's truly a stage show keeping you on your toes, getting you going for the slapping, screaming, breaking, blazing, and of course the power loving ;)

Hoping On Tomorrow

There will always be the experience of a bad day.
But say a little prayer, with faith and hope, that tomorrow be better.
Rise with perseverance to start the new day on a positive note, and invest the effort to smile and try again.
Through the breakdowns and the jump off the cliff attempts, despite how ruined and destroyed, stand on the string of hope, even if so thin.
As you dangle, pick up the pieces of your strength, patch them slowly together, and in your heart be praying for a better tomorrow, and hold tight to the promise of survival.

Emotional Dependency

For those suffering emotional dependency or separation anxiety, don't feel alone, there are many of us battling this problem - from children, adolescents, adults, and elderly. This could be feelings for a person, a pet, an object, or a place. We feel threatened by the possibility of separation, and are overwhelmingly sad and scared, unable to function during the period of absence.  

Sanity and clarity may be lost, purpose and perspective far gone, and the meaning of reason is blurred. Existence becomes worthless. Attachment is too strong, the bond developed too intense, and life without the subject is declared impossible. Definition of self is zero, and indeed unhealthy to the brim.

If such is true, a way to fill yourself internally and feel adequate, is to slowly let go of the clutch, turn to Higher strength, and start finding meaning in yourself. Don't rush the process, slowly will become surely. And if you can't progress just yet, then cry and embrace the feeling, because it's okay to be a baby sometimes..

Vintage VS Contemporary

housewifeBack in the days, before society changed, all house chores were under the hands of the housewife, while the husband brought home the bacon.

Set the table pretty, lay on top delicious  meals, keep the house clean, take care of the kids, and the husband will return home, when he wants, expecting to see a beautiful wife, and children asleep.

Today, the position and function of women has developed and widened. Discovering talent and education,  and a curiosity for a world other than the chimney and the cots, women are no longer quiet and traditional. Feeling confident and wanting to achieve, we find women in the workforce, exploring their capabilities, while helping contribute to the dough for the family.

Modern revolution has yielded working women, powerful in their heels, wanting to be more involved.

Gone are the days of cooked dinner by the loving hands of his wife. Now it's all about heating  yesterday's chicken soup, or ordering fast and easy  Chinese takeaway.

Working makes women independent and strong. If we're not too exhausted, we'll struggle the juggle of working, cleaning, cooking, loving and entertaining. But you gotta give us something back! ;)

Changing Interests

411g1_nannucci_changing_553Have you ever felt that everything would always remain and nothing would ever change?

Yes, so have I.

But interests do vary. Passions can change. The mind can think otherwise, and the heart can feel different. We might procrastinate, but then later forget. Ideas will shift, and inspirations fade.

Plans will not go as anticipated, and disappointment may become familiar. Taste and thoughts will change, motivation and pursuit too. Focus can be blur, and mindsets may steer another direction.

Influence and trends can make an impact, and goals and routine too can weaken. Change happens; you can't stop it, admit it and embrace it.

The Necessity Of Experiences

experience-signOften, we are made to undergo and bear with experiences that test us and hurt. And sometimes as a reward, we may get an experience that is positive and enjoyable. 

The difficult experiences exist to teach us a lesson, while the lighter ones help to balance out the dark. Life gives you a challenge to strengthen you, but it will also return some smiles and laughter to make up.

Hypothetically, the ball rolls that way. We have up and down, happy and sad, birth and death. The cycle of life, never straight, but plenty of bends and turns. 

Without experiences, how would we learn, how would we know? Going through times, bitter or sweet, helps us, and brings us to the next step. School teaches us theory, but what is theory without application and practice? 

Humans need experiences to make better sense of what we have learned, and to help us realize what we could not see. We were placed on earth to learn, and be of purpose. The severity of experiences will lessen, as your immunity against life's challenges will increase. 

Do not escape from experiences, they are essential to life.

Battle of The Sexes

The differences between men and women, are significant. The little can become big, sending things spiraling out of control sometimes. Reality smacks you in the face, and theory corrects your thoughts.

Men and women really do come from two world's apart, one Mars, the other Venus. From dissimilar emotions, coping methods, response rates, interests and activities, to conversation styles, thinking patterns, and ways of expressing.


I have experimented, launched my own war and watched it flop, and made not him, but me, look like the fool.  The best approach is to accept the differences, make compromises, agree to disagree.

Some Of My Convictions

Putting theory into real-life practice to qualify as actual learning.
Reducing dependencies to feel stronger and capable.
Having goals and plans to bring a sense of purpose and structure.
Maintaining routine, and keeping busy to avoid disorientation.
That you have to control your thoughts to determine your mood.
Find what makes you truly happy, and ensure to have an amount of it daily.
Reminding yourself of the changes, so to not go off-track.
Knowing when you can't push no more, and accepting that.
Working on looking attractive to elevate self-esteem.
Adding variety and new flavours into life to avoid the mundane drone.
Not to panic if you slip or make a wrong turn, but to get up again, gather control, and think positively.
That the art and science of happiness has to be worked for.
Not to be afraid of trying and asking.

If Only I Were...A Man


I would treat my woman right and make her feel good.

I would know what she wants and expects, and I would give it to her.
I would love her the way she wants to be loved and adored.
I would not hurt her, and make her cry, for her heart is valuable, and her tears most precious.
I would never take her for granted, not for a day, nor a minute.
I would not be selfish, I would let her know I'm thinking of her, so she would never feel insecure but assured.
I would tell her that I miss her already even after we just met, and spoke.
I would be romantic and loving, and shower her with all that I can offer.
I would ensure her happiness and peace of mind is my full time job.
I would never sleep in peace, nor function properly, if she is hurt or upset.
I would go up and down, left and right, to fulfill her desires and dreams.
I would apologize and compromise, if my flaws had hurt her.
I would learn more about her, for I am fascinated, as she represents one of God's beautiful creations. 
I would thank her mother just for giving birth to her. 
I would put aside my needs, to give her attention, and listen.
I would never let her feel lonely, even if life was too wrapped up.
I would accept her for who she is, the way she is.
I would do anything to see her beautiful face light up into a smile.
I would admire her beauty and only hers, appreciating every detail of it.
I would never be late and make her wait; if it were out of my control I would make up for it, and apologize.
I would try to understand her, even if it were a hopeless impossible case.
I would do all of the above; because I love her, unconditionally, and because I care for her, so much more than myself. Because she means everything to me.

Lead Your Own Revolution

If you thought change for the better could never happen, don't give up yet, think again. 
If you thought there was no hope or chance left in this life, think twice again. 
If you're worried that time would be a factor and it's too late, no it is not. 

Reform and rejuvenate. Stay positive and hopeful. Remain confident and assured. 
Be your own tailor, sew new threads, try out different technology, alter and modify, with versatility and willpower towards evolution. Help yourself, and with the right tools of trade, lead your own revolution.
Many things are possible, if you believe and try.

Have inspiration, and faith that life will get better. Do not expect perfection, but strive for excellence. 
Be your own change, and reach out. Be happy and proud with each accomplishment, program a new frame of mind, breathe easier and feel calmer, and do it with humility. Aim to be a better woman, feminine and gentle, refined and dutiful, yet bright and ambitious.


Good Morning Beautiful

1115d2x"The world is like a mirror, if you face it smiling, it smiles right back."
Wake up because you want to. Live life because you look forward to. Rise like a child, eager and energetic.
Be happy and carefree, and Take it easy. Humans were born to live, not live because we were born. Learn to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Avoid anxiety and pressure. Survive and hope to get by. 

Adults have balls flying all over the place, manage the speed and clutter before you collapse. Appreciate the contents of life for what it is. Life is a gift; receive it with delight. Live with a smile, don't frown.

Inhale the fresh air, see the bright light of the sun, savour the beautiful scene  of crisp green, appreciate the big blue sky and colours of nature, listen to the birds chirping and the sounds of life.

Marvel at the environment, feel the wind through your hair, absorb the luxuries of life, and apply active gratitude. Learn to love yourself, people, and life. Relax, and be happy-go-lucky, lessen stress, smile, dance, sing, laugh more, embrace fun, celebrate love, create Hallmark moments, think positively, push negativity away, cope with hardships, and take one day at a time. 

Refreshing Wrong Past With Right Present

There is light at the end, glimmering hope and possibility. There are still chances. You may have never seen it, but you can open your eyes now, to find it, glaring at you.

All it takes is an open mind and a willing heart. Exhale the repressed thoughts and feelings. Let it go, it's over. Turn the glass around, and see it now as half-full, and begin appreciating. You know you can.

optimism-784009Things are dark when you're blinded by depression, negativity, and pessimism. Life gives you opportunities to start afresh, take them, and think well. Celebrate happy times, and you'll begin seeing colours, and feeling refreshed - even for a moment. Don't magnify the pain and bad, put that in the past where it belongs, and move on, to the positive and cheerful.

Haven't you had enough feeling heavy, angry, scared, and confused? Despair and enthusiasm cannot exist in the same body, you have to give up one, and enthusiasm is the choice to pick. Allow happiness into your system, and positive thinking will soon become a part of you. Be willing to change for the better, and expose yourself to the right company.

Choose hope, choose life, choose healthy, choose happy. Don't look back anymore, the frame is too narrow, the tunnel is wider ahead, leave behind what is meant to stay there. Learn from your past, don't make the same mistake twice, live better for tomorrow. It was all lessons and experiences to make you the strong person you are today, and hopefully the wise. 

The Labour of Love

We have to work hard, at everything, if we want good results. To achieve optimum quality in any endeavor,  you need to watch your every step, put in your utmost devotion, and keep practicing until it feels almost perfect. 

Be on guard; life is always going to test you with adversity, to help you make it through. While in your efforts, keep a reminder that this challenging process is necessary to make the labour easier.

The same rule applies to being in love. It commands time, energy, tears, the good old patience, sacrifice, and respect. We are proudest to display the trophy we struggled to earn. We would trade nothing for it - what could be more gratifying than a symbol of our growth, and a mark of extreme determination?

No love would succeed without the heartaches, and arguments, for shortcomings make you learn, and power you to survive. Love can be an agonizing, roller coaster experience, but once you've found a suitable strategy to dealing with the differences, you'll be speaking the same language and living it up with lots of  joy and respect.

The Flow of Life

Life is a learning tailspin, and winding journey of experiences, which you can view in black and white, or through the entire rainbow. 

Nothing will be constant and steady. It fluctuates, it changes, and the wave of life meanders. You could be laughing one day, and the next drowning. Life is unpredictable, but it does not stop moving, and contradicting. Accept it, it is erratic.

The whole point is to survive.

From the highest highs to the lowest lows, humps and bumps, be prepared to welcome any accident or surprise. Pray for a life more regular and even, but if you don't get it, don't crack in the stress and mess, because strength doesn't you, but make you. If times are tough, it could be a blessing in disguise, a time for you to learn or improve, or just some hot spice for your  sweet life.

Besides, what is life without some drama? We love action people!
Remember to control your emotions, they determine your reactions, which affects the outcome. Some people make obstacles look effortless, as they glide gracefully, from one problem to another. It could be their attitude, which we all need to crank up, to have things look better. Don't hate your pain, get on the road to facing it, and fixing it - no matter how insecure and confused you are. Begin by accepting life is not straight, and with time, you'll ride the flow.

In With Logic, Out With Emotion

Logic makes so much sense. It reasons things out, and makes it all fair and square. If you've been thinking with emotion all your life, and one day realized what thinking with logic can do; the feeling is miraculous. It's a reliever, clean breather, and does the job of expanding the dimensions of the mind. Your take on life changes, attitude greatly improves, and judgments and decisions are made rationally.

We transform into award winning actors, when emotion and drama, aka hysteria, control the better of us. Think with your brain, think hard, think smart. Feel with your heart, feel hard, but smart. The brain and the heart are not one entity, so know how to separate them, and do not partner both; they are exclusive and to each his own. Learn to balance the two, weighing on neither more than the other. 

Use intellect and sense to straighten matters out, the outcome will be non-biased, therefore right. We have emotions present for us to feel and care, but the brain to set us into gear of clarity and sense. Aim to be rationally driven, you will feel calmer, mentally stable, and confident to take that choice and make that decision. Actions will be less messy, behavior more composed. No more drama queen, All hail plain Jane.

When Destiny Makes No Sense

destiny_life_cover_cropped_op_800x462There are things in life that happen which we cannot comprehend, but have  only to accept. These can be incidents, or changes in conditions, that can affect our surroundings, loved ones, and life. 

Some things happen for the good or bad, but when destiny calls, it is usually for the best, as planned by the Above. Trust in Him. The Higher Power has arranged everything.  We can ask why, until the end of time,  but it will change nothing.

When you're feeling destiny is unclear, and uncertain; with faith and patience, do not question nor object, but learn to accept and let nature run its course, for plans with flow, as they have been predetermined. We can take matters into hand, and attempt to control, but if results don't match our foresight, it proves destiny is stronger, though so surreal. 

They say destiny is: what was meant to be, will be.

Riding The Winds of Change

fallRemember that things can change, when you least expect it, and could never have predicted it.  Though so sure, so absolute, so definite; with abundance of insurance and confidence, your life can, and will be shaken and influenced by the winds of change.

Reality is having the faith that things will not always turn out the way you want them.  Fantasy is having the belief that you will always hear what you want to hear. People who are practical will face the truth of reality; dreamers will continue to float in their bubble, until popped.
Circumstances will change, relationships will hurt, bonds can break, plans can alter. Be wise, play safe, act cool, and create contingency plans, so you are not cornered unprepared and unable to function. Receive change with strength and optimism, knowing that  you cannot control the wind. It blows in all directions, and you will travel where it goes, embracing come  what may. 

Each Slice Of The Cake Matters

Many of us have gone without realizing there can be no complete whole, without each part being equally important as the other.  All individual slices, create the total.

If you have felt your presence, amounts to invisible, stop that talk, and start valuing yourself. We all exist to serve a purpose, and no one is a waste of space. If society has placed a stereotype on you, shake it off, it's only a label that is erasable. Don't let it get to your head.

View the world as a cake, and all of us are slices. No matter what our destiny or roles, we are important, for being human, being a friend, and a slice that contributes to the cake. Everyone brings a difference to the world, and we give meaning to society, humanity, community and family.

What would the world be, how would it function, if it didn't have a garbage collector or post-man? How would streets look without the rubbish and leaves raked? How would unhappy married couples divorce without an attorney? Stop complaining. Take the time to think and appreciate.  We make the country work, and the world go round.
Everyone matters. No cake would be absolute if a slice or two were missing. We are united as brothers and sisters, one for all, all for one. Everyone has a position- you are a slice, I am a slice, they are a slice, we are the ingredients, we make the pieces fit, and we make the cake.

Brave That Skill

Once in a while, it's a pleasure to pick up a new skill, explore different abilities, stretch our potential,  and collect more know-hows, to add to our bundle of assets and expertise. Life then, feels worth it and meaningful
Some skills may take more time and practice, to learn and perfect, or to have your fear overcome first. Nevertheless, encourage yourself to pursue, be patient for results, and stay positive and strong while you try.

The new experiences I want to dare is rollerblading and car driving. I have a phobia being behind the wheel, frightened of collisions, minor or major, and the consequences. 
But I've agreed to a new life, and I will fear no fear, but to just do it, like Nike told me. Ignore the humility of mistakes, and rev up patience and dedication. Get up, take the risk, lead yourself, live and learn, fall and climb. Do not defy the purpose of life on earth.

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Fame in Your Name


By all means, have dreams, execute, and be famous!

Create a brand, get associated, be recognized, offer what the market lacks, attract attention, have fun doing what you love, act on the passion, and turn yourself into somebody!

But be warned: the world is a judgmental stage, and traitorous critic. You may have to sell yourself, at the expense of morals and values.

Do not forget to donate, nor the ones who helped.

Good luck :)

Sunshine After The Rain


In the journey of life; never give up.  Through the highs and lows, the ups and downs, anything is possible, as long as we don't stop hoping, dreaming, and trying. No matter the thunder, the lightning, rain and storm, there will always be sunshine and a rainbow after.

The challenges we face are stumbling blocks, meant to be hurdles, put upon us by our mind or the world, but are existent to teach us about faith, and fighting until the end. As we go through, we are tested with all odds; some tougher and longer to deal, some easier and faster, but no matter the circumstance, we mostly end braver, stronger, and wiser. Problems are part and parcel of growing up, necessary in making us the person we are today, gearing us to take on the world, and what awaits ahead. God will only test according to our individual ability and threshold- He will not push limits, and He will never hurt in vain.
A positive mind is a first step to accompanying unfortunate circumstances. There will  be disagreements, broken hearts, and tragedies. But life is bound by time, and time is too short  to be wasted in hate. So live, laugh, love, and learn like no tomorrow, and perform with your utmost best. Accept and appreciate life for the phenomenon it is, and never say never. The world is meant to be a wonder, so discover it.

Have goals and objectives to keep you in perspective and feeling productive. Do not place  happiness in the hands of anyone else but your own, this will keep you from disappointments. Spread your life into living, working, playing, learning, and praying. Find pleasure and pain, to give you the sugar and spice balance, make your life a combination of humour and humanity, and you will be on your way to contentment, and the stars.

Somebody's You

Never be what you are not.
Do not allow anyone to make you become who they want you to be.
Have the world accept you for your real version; do not settle for less.
Nothing feels worse than knowing you are loved for being fake, and not true.

The Wonders of Knowledge

"Education has an immense impact on the human society. One can safely assume that a person is not in the proper sense until he is educated. It trains the human mind to to think and take the right decision. In other words, man become a rational [tamed] animal when is educated. It is through education that knowledge and information is received and spread throughout the world.

An uneducated person cannot read and write and hence he is closed to all the knowledge and wisdom he can gain from books and other mediums. In other words, he is shut off from the outside world. In contrast, an educated man lives in a room with all its windows open towards outside world." - Manu Goel

"Education is the key that will open most doors in the path of life.
Without an education one is rendered powerless to transition through the threshold and be exposed to all the light, colors, odors, and sensations, and new experiences that await those who cross the portal.

An educated child, following the said format, will grow with a solid foundation: Say please and thank you; Disciplined and determined to achieve goals, while maintaining the right path; knowing who he is and of his value; respecting his country and its history; what is expected of him; acceptable behavior; conscientious about his actions. An education is "enrichment" that qualifies one to take on any enterprise without hesitation; making decisions as one goes along; changing directions without fear, and achieving set goals to fulfillment." - Franklin Puello

Attaining education heighten's one's life. Knowledge and enlightenment teaches people the best of everything; from understanding, theories, ideas, issues, values, principles, customs, beliefs, abilities, awareness, discipline and control, philosophy, ethics and moral conduct, responsibility and accountability for one's actions, reasoning, decency and the appropriate behaviour, proper manners, the right from wrong, the good from bad, the truth, intuition and conscience, intelligence and wisdom, religion, grace and dignity, positivism, inspiration, and much more.

Equip yourself with education; it is the first step on your ladder to success, a great mind, and a great future. Education is a source of empowerment, and a gift for future generations. It is critical that women be educated so they can raise educated children. Everyone deserves the opportunity of education and literacy, it has become a human right. For those unable to afford education at institutions, as they are expensive, there are alternatives at an informal level offered by the museum, libraries, and the Internet. Education is a vital element for growth, development, and progress, to be able to keep up with and participate in today's world.


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