Logic makes so much sense. It reasons things out, and makes it all fair and square. If you've been thinking with emotion all your life, and one day realized what thinking with logic can do; the feeling is miraculous. It's a reliever, clean breather, and does the job of expanding the dimensions of the mind. Your take on life changes, attitude greatly improves, and judgments and decisions are made rationally.
We transform into award winning actors, when emotion and drama, aka hysteria, control the better of us. Think with your brain, think hard, think smart. Feel with your heart, feel hard, but smart. The brain and the heart are not one entity, so know how to separate them, and do not partner both; they are exclusive and to each his own. Learn to balance the two, weighing on neither more than the other.
Use intellect and sense to straighten matters out, the outcome will be non-biased, therefore right. We have emotions present for us to feel and care, but the brain to set us into gear of clarity and sense. Aim to be rationally driven, you will feel calmer, mentally stable, and confident to take that choice and make that decision. Actions will be less messy, behavior more composed. No more drama queen, All hail plain Jane.
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