Embrace Beauty, Celebrate Passion, Appreciate Life

"Torn between reality and fantasy, hopelessly in love with love, a passionate romantic, and a faithful dreamer, so emotionally intense"

Monday, May 3, 2010

C'est La Vie

layoutimageWe love and hate, cry and laugh, go up and down, experience happiness and sadness, treasure and cherish. But above them all, we learn, and grow.

It is only after experiences, mistakes, and opportunities, that we discover what is good, what is bad, what is right what is wrong, what to incorporate and what to steer clear of. We then reflect, realize, and change.

We learn that life is like driving a manual car; gears have to be shifted, changes made, sometimes we have to accelerate, or slow down; but of all we need to be in control, know what we're doing, and where we're headed. Life will teach you to manage, deal, and survive, and especially when to open your eyes, and when to close them.

Earth is the best school, to build yourself.
We are granted one chance at this life, but many chances to make it right..

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