Embrace Beauty, Celebrate Passion, Appreciate Life

"Torn between reality and fantasy, hopelessly in love with love, a passionate romantic, and a faithful dreamer, so emotionally intense"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Luscious Locks


Kim Kardashian has gorgeous, shiny, healthy looking hair.

Some of us are lucky to be blessed with hair that doesn't require too much heat and chemicals, to get it to the level of a tame mane.

Exposure to unfriendly forces of nature can become elements of destruction to the hair. Humidity in this side of the world does extreme damage to dry, naturally curly, and frizzy hair. Check the mirror, and you'll find a wild beast catastrophe.

There's a lot of weekly mask therapy and daily blow-drying that you have to work hard at, if you want the glossy, soft, bouncy hair, fashioned either bone straight or beautifully waved out. Having a 365 yearly round bad hair state every day, can be very depressing, and jabbing at confidence.

I know you've looked into every tool and technology to improve the texture of your hair, with many risks of fire contact - from under the steam, the iron, and the oven, and pampered her with only the best products in the market, and prepped her at the salon every chance you get.

Don't go for a hair transplant, just yet. Try to give your hair some true love and care, and it might just obey. Those challenged with curly roots, have probably electrocuted themselves to get things straightened out. Keep trying and keep styling, your hair will eventually make peace with you, even if the fashion police finds you in some sort of trouble. 

Lots of energy, patience, and time, go into creating a masterpiece.

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